martes, 14 de julio de 2009

What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 16 year old girl or boy?

In most cases, the less expensive the car is to buy, the less expensive it is to insure.

In addition, domestic vehicles are usually less expensive to insure as are 4 door cars, 4 cylinder motors and minivans.

According to leading car retailers, these cost the least to insure in the first 5 years of ownership:

* Chrysler PT Cruiser 4dr Wagon
* GMC Safari SLE AWD 3dr Minivan
* Dodge Caravan SE 4dr Minivan
* Saturn ION 1 4dr Sedan
* Pontiac Sunfire 2dr Coupe
* Jeep Liberty Sport 4WD 4dr SUV
* Saturn L300 1 4dr Sedan
* Volvo S40 4dr Sedan
* Saab 38600 Linear 2.3t 4dr SportWagon
* Buick Century Special Edition 4dr Sedan

Good luck and happy car shopping. You can obtain as many quotes for as many different vehicles as you'd like at our web site. Enter your zip code and then some basic information for a quote. You can select different types of vehicles on the vehicle page to compare the difference in the rate.

If you are looking for an older vehicle then you should still use the same reference that a less expensive car to purchase is less expensive to insure.

Most safety experts caution against SUVs for teens. Young drivers tend to overcorrect when steering out of fear, this makes them more prone to roll their vehicles.

You should look for these factors on an older car:

* reliability
* safety
* price

Small cars, such as the Honda Civic, the Ford Focus and Saturn models are the most popular choices, but they aren't always the best choice for young drivers. The lightest vehicles have the highest death rates.

If you can stand it, minivans and large four-door cars have the lowest death rates. Insurers use these factors when considering your rate. The bigger and heavier car is a smarter choice for young drivers, even if it isn't cool.

Comment Update: We get many requests for exact numbers. Young drivers should understand that many factors affect your rates. We can give you numbers, but they will be different in every different locale throughout the United States. Here are some 6 month premiums with no tickets in different parts of Florida:

Central Florida:

* Bodily Injury 10000/20000 -- $546
* Property Damage 10000 -- $534
* Personal Injury Protection 1000 -- $386
* Comprehensive 500 -- $84
* Collision 500 -- $1,016
* Policy Total -- $2,566

South Florida:

* Bodily Injury 10000/20000 -- $880
* Property Damage 10000 -- $580
* Personal Injury Protection 1000 -- $634
* Comprehensive 500 -- $387
* Collision 500 -- $1,598
* Policy Total$4,079

Put your zip code in the quote box above and find out how much your area costs to insure a 16 year old.

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